3Cubed Limited

3Cubed Services


3C-Alert was initially a hosted E-Mail to  SMS  Relay.   The  SMS part of the service accepts e-mails and transforms them into SMS text messages, for onward delivery to one or more mobile phones (and fixed telephone lines).  

It can also accept inbound SMS Text messages (originating incoming and response messages), transform and deliver them as e-mails.   Over the last few years, the 3C-Alert communications service has been extended and now has five standard operational interfaces (and many more functional enhancements).

These interfaces are:
Send/receive SMS Text Messages Manually from Any E-mail System;
Send SMS Text Messages Automatically via 3Cubed Interfaces from Existing Customer and/or Third-party Supplier Systems;
Send any mix of SMS. E-mail, Fax and/or Postal Communications Automatically using the 3C-Alert Sub-system (3C-Manager);
Send/receive SMS. E-mail and/or Fax via the 3Cubed Webmail interface (3C-WebMail);.


The 3C-Alert service consists of both manual SMS/MMS and automated software, 3C-Manager. 3C-Manager dynamically delivers any mix of SMS, E-mail, Fax and Post according to conditional rules that you can set for each process (Job).

The 3C-Manager software runs on a PC or server, and the only information that ever leaves your organisation is the data you want to include in the communication(s) at the point of delivery.

3C-Manager layers on top of the existing manual E-mail to SMS facilities and the manual facilities are retained for SMS messages that cannot be automated. 3C-Manager has been in use in Probation , Police and Councils, for several years.

3C-Manager can process information extracted from any external system that can generate an output file, alternatively 3C-Manager can talk directly to systems that permit and have available an API


We also provide a web based email solution, 3C-WebMail primarily aimed at out of hours use or as part of a disaster/contingency plan.  However it can also be used whenever access to corporate email is not available.

Our web mail service is accessed via any browser, including smart phones (e.g. Android/iPhone), tablets (e.g. iPad) and any mainstream PC/Laptop browser (Internet Explorer/Chrome/Safari/Firefox/Camino/Opera, etc).

Once registered you will be allocated a specific URL based upon http://yourorganisation.3calert.net.   This service is provided as a secure alternative to other web mail services such as Hotmail.  Please note: We discourage the use of Hotmail type access to our 3C-Alert service, as Hotmail and other generally available web mail services are occasionally  compromised which can result in inappropriate or unauthorised use by the designated web mail account.  

3C-WebMail provides two layers of security - firstly username/password access to the mail client and then the email address is authenticated again at the 3C-Alert SMS relay server. Access can be set for any combination of individual staff, teams, offices, organisations or any other combination determined by our customers.   This has attracted wide-scale interest and 3C-WebMail is now included as a further option within the 3C-Alert Communications service.

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